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The current version of the TCP protocol allows two endpoints in a shared computer network to establish a connection that enables a two-way transmission of data. Any data loss is detected and automatically corrected, which is why TCP is also called a reliable protocol. Together with UDP and SCTP, TCP forms the group of transmission protocols belonging to the Internet protocol suite that are located at the transport layer in the network architecture according to the OSI model.

When you connect to the Internet, you establish a connection between a router and a computer or mobile device in a few simple steps, whether you’re using wired or wireless technology. Nothing else is required because the system automatically logs in to the network and obtains the unique Internet address that you need to receive and send data. This is made possible by a set of protocols known as the Internet protocol suite. One of the oldest and most important protocols in the suite is the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). It determines how network devices exchange data.